Title of Blogggy.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Diet Plan On =)

Hmmm.People around are gossiping the Fats contain inside our body.
Undeniable,Im Fat !
Everyone does hope to have perfect body shape,but not all of us are able to do that.
This is the reason why we fail all the diet plans.
What to do ? Uncertainly,we L.O.V.E Food.
Food is the key of hunger.Food is the principal agent for distressing & depression.
Food is Everything. WEEEEEEEEEE XD
Can you imagine our scrumptious meals are being replaced by diet pills ?
Oh My God ..this is no life people +X
Come on,food are for us to eat and not to waste =)
Lets finish up the food.

Signing Off.

Countdown to STPM-107 days


  1. bt u stil fashion king

  2. put a chat box la.hahaha..
    http://malaysia.youthsays.com/themisseupho/fruittree click the support button for me le.haha,thanks.
